Sri Lanka - Community Resource Centre for Women
Following the 2004 tsunami, the International Centre for Sustainable Cities (ISCS), with funding from the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), undertook a 36-month project to develop two community resource centres in the coastal communities of Moratuwa and Matara. The goal was to help local women become involved in the decision making process in their communities by providing them with training and support. During the planning phase of the Moratuwa Community Resource Centre, women identified an additional need for a medical clinic. As the needed medical clinic was not in the original budget, BWB approached Beedie Construction in Vancouver who arranged to finance the addition.
BWB Involvement
Prior to development of the medical clinic, BWB participated in project planning and community design workshops with the local women’s group and government officials. During the planning and construction stage, the BWB’s construction manager worked closely with the local architect, engineer, and contractors. He provided an array of construction expertise including contract preparation, tendering procedures, cost control measures, as well as report preparation during the design, tendering, and construction phases.
Our Impact
With BWBs support, the Moratuwa Community Resource Centre was successfully constructed with a 1,350 ft2medical clinic on the ground floor, and a 1,450 ft2 women’s resource centre on the top floor. This was made possible by extensive community engagement in the design process. This style of community engagement was successfully continued for the second resource Centre constructed in the Matara community.