Frequently Asked Questions 2.0
Who are we?
Our Vision and Mission
OUR VISION: A world where everyone has access to safe housing and community facilities.
OUR MISSION: Builders Without Borders works worldwide with local partners to improve living conditions of vulnerable populations through the use and transfer of project management and construction expertise.
What is Builders Without Borders?
Builders Without Borders is a non-profit Foundation operated by interested professionals and retirees who work to provide guidance and assistance to vulnerable populations through the use and transfer of project management and construction expertise. Visit What We Do for more information.
How does Builders Without Borders work?
Builders Without Borders always works with local and international partners and builds relationships on projects of common interest. We are ready to offer volunteer services to various construction projects in partnership and support of our vision and mission statements. Please visit How We Work for more details.
Where does Builders Without Borders work?
Builders Without Borders operates out of its Head Office in Vancouver, Canada. We have participated in over 50 projects in more than twelve countries including Turkey, India, the Maldives, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Algeria, Ghana, Laos, India, the Philippines, Haiti and Canada. Please visit Where We Work to learn more.
How can I donate?
To learn more about how you can donate, please click Donate Now.
How much of my contribution goes towards BWB’s projects?
BWB works hard to maximize project funds that go towards helping vulnerable populations with safer housing and community facilities. With project donations raised, 82% or more goes towards projects and reconstruction. 18% or less goes towards our administration and operating costs.
Can I designate/earmark my donation?
Yes, designated donations to a particular BWB project are happily accepted, as well as contributions to general funds. Although project-specific funds are possible, the greatest way to contribute to the success of our work is to donate to the general funds. These funds allow BWB to ensure all projects and needs receive adequate funding, with no project left over-funded with potential funds caught in administration. This also allows greater flexibility for BWB to respond to developing emergencies and projects in need.
How can I see the results of my contribution?
We share our stories and updates about our current projects on our website (see updates on our Current Projects and BWB In the News). We also send out email updates on our projects to our donors and interested parties through our Newsletter.
Are my contributions eligible for tax credits?
Yes, all donations $25 or above are eligible for a tax credit. Your receipt will be mailed to the address you provide after your donation has been processed.
What is your Charitable Registration Number?
Builders Without Borders’ CRA Charity Registration Number is 86666 2448 RR0001
Why have I not yet received my tax receipt?
If you have not received your tax receipt within a reasonable period of time after your donation, email us at Please also ensure that if you move, you provide us with your new address so that your information can be updated.
Can I donate gifts in kind (non-financial gifts), such as a work force or construction materials?
The short answer is Yes! Please visit the Get Involved section to learn more, including other ways to give.
How can I volunteer with BWB?
Visit the Get Involved section to learn more about the many ways you can make a difference by volunteering or getting involved.
Can I volunteer with BWB outside of Canada?
Builders Without Borders has both Canadian and international projects. Depending on the current projects and needs, there may be opportunities to get involved. Please note, although BWB works hard to support their volunteers, there may be projects where some expenses may not be covered.
If interested, please submit a volunteer form sharing your skills and interest, and we will get back to you to explore whether there are any current or future opportunities.
Can I fundraise or organize an event for BWB?
A great way to get involved with BWB is fundraise or host an event on our behalf. If this interests you, visit the Fundraise for BWB section to learn more.
Where does BWB receive its funding?
BWB receives funding from the construction industry and related associations, businesses, NGOs, foundations and from public and private donations.
What is the percentage of your costs spent on projects?
BWB strives for 82% or more of project donations to go towards projects and reconstruction, and 18% or less towards administration and operating costs. We are a volunteer-based organization that prides ourselves on the spirit of volunteering.