Bella Bella
Builders Without Borders [BWB] have been engaged to advise on Project Management, Construction and logistics for the construction of eight “Tiny Homes” [384 sq. ft.] in Bella Bella in the Central Coast of British Columbia, Canada. The work is being carried out in close cooperation with the Heiltsuk First Nation Tribal Council and the University of British Columbia. The project is fully supported by funding acquired by the Heiltsuk First Nation with some assistance from UBC and is anticipated to be completed in Fall of 2019. Full project funding has been secured from Indigenous and Northern Affairs [INAC] and the Federal Government Reconciliation Committee.
Builders Without Borders has a $10,000 budget from UBC for work on the project, mainly through arranging for retired construction supervisors to work on training the local staff in construction skills through the duration of the building programme. An increased budget would enhance our ability to service this important project, therefore BWB is seeking more contributions.
We currently have four foundations completed and framing of four houses near completion.
Furthermore, BWB is actively working with UBC, FPInnovations and the Heiltsuk Nation on potential repeat of this type of building programme in other locations in British Columbia.

One solution are 384 sq.ft. tiny housess that meets a need in the community providing independent living for individuals, couples and young families. A new 64 lot subdivision was completed in late 2017 to accommodate further housing requirements including four tiny homes. The remaining phases of the subdivision will address home designs for larger families.
The tiny house drawings were completed by John Ryder an Architectural student. Scott Kemp, a registered Architect with considerable experience with Aboriginal communities, was engaged to authenticate the design and monitor the construction process. The project’s design goal is to develop culturally appropriate and environmentally adapted housing and to support the development of a local economy through the production of local materials and the development of marketable skills within the community.
A contractor was engaged with residential home construction experience in remote locations including Bella Bella. BWB has participated in budgeting and scheduling including construction training component and developing contractual language that realizes the project goals while being fair to all parties.
BWB’s role during role during construction is to act as the Owner’s Representative in any construction changes. BWB will track the progress of the project against the stated goals and requirements ensuring that regular reporting is completed on an ongoing basis. In the event of deviation from the project’s goals BWB would suggest remedial actions and to evaluate the extent to which the completed project meets the stated goals.
The Anticipated Result
Post construction, BWB will evaluate the extent to which the completed project meets the stated goals and make all drawings, documents, and costing publicly available for use by others. BWB also will assess the replicability of the project in the selected community and lead a post occupancy evaluation of the home(s).and work with the other partners on the completion of a project report including a construction management/cost analysis.